Vanderbilt the Possible
Imagining a Sustainable Campus
Where We Are
Vanderbilt has just launched "Reinvest Vanderbilt," a coalition of student groups to advocate for the recently passed Vanderbilt Student Government resolution calling for the Office of Investment to instruct fund managers to halt new equity investments in companies currently developing non-renewable carbon energy sources. Additionally, this bill promises to bring a process of divestiture within 5 years and encourages fund managers to invest in companies that are investing in a clean, renewable future for our planet. Seven renowned professors came out in favor of divestment in a 2 page spread in The Vanderbilt Hustler earlier this year (http://issuu.com/vanderbilthustler/docs/2-7-2013/1).
Where We Are Going
Ultimately, we would like to see Vanderbilt completely divest from companies that are profiting off the exploitation of our planet. With an endowment of nearly $3.4 billion, our university has the power of the purse to help put an end to companies that destroy our planet. There are many companies working to research and develop alternative, renewable energy sources and within five years we hope those are the companies we will see our university supporting and investing in.
350.org is a website started by climate change activist Bill McKibben. As part of his site, he has started a fossil free campaign encouraging campuses across the country to divest from fossil fuels. On his website (http://gofossilfree.org/campaigns/) updates on the divestment effort of over 300 college campuses is provide and 350.org serves as a resource center and gathering place for those interested in the issue.
Unity College
Unity College in Maine has pledged to and currently is completely divested from fossil fuel companies. They are the first school in the United States to do so, and serve as an example of what others can do. While this is great progress, Unity is a very small school and we are still waiting to see schools with larger endowments make that pledge.
We have a vision of Vanderbilt's endowment being completely free of fossil fuel investments. Vanderbilt and other American universities have millions of dollars invested in fossil fuels. We have the potential to put pressure on these companies and help save the planet by investing our endowment responsibly.
Kirkland Hall
How To Get Involved
Join the Reinvest Vanderbilt movement and stay updated on their workings here
You can also start a petition campaign, write letters to the administration, and demonstrate on the issue to let the administration know this matters to you.