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The Team

We are the American Studies majors of the Class of 2013. 

Molly Ross

Molly's vision for her future includes owning her own barn where she can escape the troubles of the real world with a ride on her horse, Lucky Charm. Everyday would be a summer day in the ATL where Molly could watch her favorite Braves team beat the Nationals. Afterwards, she would tend to her hydroponic farm alongside her Great Dane, Tiny.

Daniel Marks

In 25 years, Daniel will hopefully be the general manager of an NBA team that will hopefully be winning championships on a regular basis. In his spare time, he will likely do some writing, attempt to stay in decent shape, while continuing to make scintillating social observations about those around him on Twitter @dgm591.

Luke Christiano

What Luke's future will hold is an unfolding mystery, but one dream of his holds more prominence than anything else. He hopes to live in a humble abode on one of the many beautiful beaches in a Latin American country, while surfing and maintaining a small sustainable organic farm.

Coleman Sanders

Coleman plans on returning to Nashville after graduation where he will try to gain employment experience by working at a local microbrewery. In the future he dreams of opening his own brewery, changing the local community one beer at a time.

Katie Ullmann

Katie has a promising future as Mayor of Nashville. Her platform calls for a direct democratic vote on all new policies excluding the mandates of Katie's Five-Point Plan: 1. Solar panels on every elevated surface 2. Gardens on all green space 3. A one-child policy (to reduce consumption) 4. Yoga at the start of every school day 5. Prohibition of all alcoholic beverages excluding Kombucha.

Josh Haberman

Josh plans on going into sports marketing and hopefully will represent professional athletes. On the side, he plans to make his home fully solar powered.

Anita Randrianantoanina

In the future Anita hopes to live in Hobbiton, New Zealand where she will spend her time reading, gardening, and wearing cozy sweaters. In the meantime, she will attend ski-school in Colorado and continue spending all her money on organic wine and noodles.

© Copyright 2013 Vanderbilt the Possible. No Animals were harmed in the making.

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