Vanderbilt the Possible
Imagining a Sustainable Campus
We have a vision for a curriculum at Vanderbilt that will educate students on the scientific and social aspects of sustainability. This curriculum will empower students to effect meaningful sustainable changes in their communities.
Buttrick Hall
Where We Are
Vanderbilt currently has an Environmental and Sustainability Studies minor. This minor focuses on the humanities and social sciences aspect of sustainability.
Vanderbilt also has an Earth and Environmental Sciences major that focuses on the scientific aspects of sustainability.
Where We Are Going
We dream of a curriculum that allows students to actively engage with issues of sustainability.
We dream of an Environmental and Sustainability Studies major and interdisciplinary program. This major will offer courses that bring the scientific, social, and practical hands-on aspects of sustainability together. Community service will be an important component of this major. Currently, the lack of such a major is an obstacle to realizing the full potential of student involvement with issues of sustainability.
We want sustainability-related classes to be an "S" requirement in AXLE. A wide range of classes could fulfill this requirement since sustainability classes are available in all four schools (A&S, Blair, Engineering, and Peabody) and across a wide range of disciplines.
How to Get Involved
Take classes on sustainability! Vanderbilt offers classes relating to sustainability in a variety of disciplines. Check out the course listings that fit your major or interests and sign up for a sustainability course!
You can also get involved with promoting a sustainability curriculum by building your own sustainability major.
To learn more about classes pertaining to sustainability click here.
Success Stories
Duke University
Duke has an entire school devoted to sustainability. At the Nicholas School of the Environment, students can major in various sustainability-related disciplines from environmental law to marine conservation. To learn more about Duke's School of the Environment, follow the link below.
Vanderbilt University
Junior Kelsey Kaline created her own major, Sustainable Community Development. This major focuses on environmental justice and policy. As part of her studies, she conducts research for the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation and volunteers with the Nashville community.